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Icon Encyclopedia In game
An AGM-48 in the HUD
AGM-48 In the Encyclopedia
A full AGM-48 loadout on a Compass's wing


"Effective against ground targets or slow flying aircraft at ranges of up to 8km, the AGM-48 can maneuver erratically to make interception difficult." - Encyclopedia

Name Type Guidance Yield Max Speed Range Armor Penetration Dimensions Cost Available On
AGM-48 A2G Missile Optical 9kg 1260 km/h 8.0km - 1.6m x 0.2m x 0.2m 90,000 $ TA-30 Compass
CI-22 Cricket
SAH-46 Chicane


The AGM-48 is effective against most ground vehicles, only struggling to make it through a SPAAG's gunfire or struggling to penetrate an MBT frontally.
When engaging air defense units, it is best to fire multiple missiles, as there is a high likelihood the first missile will be intercepted.
The AGM-48 can also be used against slow moving aircraft such as helicopters, or against buildings, however with limited efficiency.