SAH-46 Chicane

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SAH-46 Chicane - Display.png




"The SAH-46 “Chicane” retains a traditional attack helicopter configuration while incorporating upgrades that keep it a formidable presence on the battlefield of the late 21st Century. Cutting edge stealth technology allows the Chicane to conduct pop-up attacks from behind terrain and disappear without a trace." - Encyclopedia


The SAH-46 Chicane is a stealth attack helicopter that specializes in sneaky low level air to ground attacks, striking convoys both on the frontline and deep inside enemy territory. It's slow speed compared to fixed wing aircraft means effective leveraging of Forward Arming and Refueling Points is crucial. The low observable stealth design of the Chicane allows it to maneuver around a battlefield undetected, letting it sneak through enemy air defenses and strike unexpectedly.

SAH-46 Chicane In Flight



Top view of the SAH-46 Chicane
Crew 1 Pilot In Command, 1 Co-Pilot Gunner
Length 16.6 m
Width 7.4 m
Height 4.1 m
Weight 7640 kg (empty)
8900 kg (max takeoff)
Fuel Capacity 1050 kg
Powerplant 2x 1620kw Turboshaft
Unit cost 35.0 M$
Power To Weight 0.35kW/kg


Max Speed 364 km/h
Stall Speed N/A
Service Ceiling 12,500 m
Maneuverability 3.5G
RCS 0.08

Onboard Systems

Optical Radar Countermeasures
Target Acquisition and Designation Sights, 1.5x magnification
Distributed Aperture System up to 10km
N/A x72 Flare Dispenser


Front view of the SAH-46 Chicane
Type Gun Internal Wing Pylon Wing Tip Pylon
Gun 30mm Rotary Cannon, 750 HE rounds - 25mm flex gunpod, 500 rounds -
A2G Missiles - 8x AGM-48 42x AGR-18
8x AGM-48
2x AGM-68
A2A Missiles - - - 2x MMR-S3
4x IRM-S1


Basic operations

The SAH-46 needs careful control in order to prevent unintended spins, rollovers, and vortex rings.

Proper management of collective is important to maintaining good horizontal speed while sustaining altitude. Maximum sustained collective is dependent on altitude, setting collective too high will result in the rotor RPM dropping below 270 RPM leading to a degradation of controls. For normal flight, the optimal collective is between 85-90%, to ensure good rotor speed while maintaining a good horizontal speed. In order to increase and decrease altitude effectively, increase and decrease collective to ascend and descend respectively.


A Vortex Ring State causes the rotors of the helicopter to lose the majority of their lift, causing the helicopter to rapidly fall downwards.

If the Chicane’s descent speed is faster than its horizontal speed, the helicopter will display a warning above the RPM, and the audio warning system will state “VRS”


The pilot in command and copilot-gunner have access to identical HOTAS controls and large glass TSD screens. The standard Head Up Display (HUD) gives all important information on the current flight conditions : speed, altitude, bearing, angle of attack.

SAH-46 Cockpit.png

Tactical instructions

NOTE: The following section contains user-submitted suggestions, these may be inaccurate.

Primary role

Close Air Support

Type Gun Internal Wing Pylon Wing Tip Pylon
Gun 30mm Rotary Cannon - - -
A2G Missiles - 8x AGM-48 2x AGM-68 -
A2A Missiles - - - 4x IRM-S1


Using the auto hover mode (F by default), the Chicane can hold in place behind terrain, hiding from radar and anti air weapons, target the enemy, then increase collective to pop up over the terrain, launch weapons, then disappear behind the terrain again.

Note: “Pop-up” attacks do not need to involve ascent and descent, it is possible to employ these tactics by moving left and right out of terrain

It is also possible to perform this attack without moving from behind cover, by pitching upwards towards the target and firing, it is possible to loft AGM and AGR over a hill and onto the target without ever leaving cover.

Secondary role

Deep Strike

Type Gun Internal Wing Pylon Wing Tip Pylon
Gun 30mm Rotary Cannon - - -
A2G Missiles - 8x AGM-48 42x AGR18 -
A2A Missiles - - - 2x MMR-S3


Utilization of terrain in order to ensure the helicopter cannot be picked up by radar is crucial. Flying no more than 20 meters radar altitude from the terrain is ideal when in enemy airspace with radar warning systems and surface to air missile sites present. The 20 meter radar altitude allows the pilot to dive quickly down below radar limits in the event of a missile launch, as well as maintain a good altitude for speed. Shooting Anti Air sites as the pilot makes their way through the defenses will help future attacks and teammates be safer.

Tertiary role

Search and Rescue


At the moment, it's possibile to land with the Chicane near ejected friendly pilots to rescue them (only visibile in the log in the top left corner of the screen). Some money will be awarded for each pilot rescued. This is probably a temporary solution until a new helicopter dedicated to this role is added to the game.