AGR-18 Lynchpin

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AGR-18 pod mounted on a Cricket


"A short range air to ground rocket with a guidance package providing limited maneuverability" - Encyclopedia

Name Type Guidance Yield Max Speed Range Armor Penetration Dimensions Cost Available On
AGR-18 Lynchpin A2G Rocket Optical 2kg 2625 km/h 5.0km - 1.6m x 0.2m x 0.2m 40,000 $ TA-30 Compass
CI-22 Cricket
SAH-46 Chicane


The AGR-18 Lynchpin comes in a launcher pod with 7 rockets and is best used for saturation of air defense units, such as SPAAG and Shard class Corvettes.
Shooting a large volume of Lynchpins increases the likelihood of AGR-18's making it through air defense.
Lynchpins can also be employed against lightly armored moving targets, such as trucks, IFV's and APC's, as well as against static targets such as radar towers and vehicle depots.
It will struggle however against MBT's, large buildings and moving aircraft targets.