CI-22 Cricket

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CI-22 Cricket - Display.png




"Designed for counter insurgency operations and low-intensity battlefields, the CI-22 Cricket features robust landing gear and short takeoff and landing capability, allowing it to operate from unprepared fields. While lacking in speed and survivability, the CI-22 possesses remarkable agility and the ability to mount an array of weapon types."
- Ingame Encyclopedia description


The CI-22 Cricket is a twin-boom, single turboprop light attack and counter-insurgency (COIN) aircraft.
It uses a single pusher propeller mounted at the rear of a central nacelle, with pilot and copilot installed in tandem, installed between twin booms connected by a horizontal stabilizer.
Initially used in COIN operations, the Cricket is designed for short take off and landings, able to operate from short sections of road or even, any flat piece of land.

A CI-22 Cricket during an attack with rockets.

The Cricket max speed of 515 km/h is rather slow, but it compensates with an excellent turning radius and very low stall speed, which enable tight maneuvers at very low altitudes.
However, the airframe is rather light and unarmored, so critical parts can be damaged by machine gun fire or close explosions. In operations, the Cricket has to rely on its small size and its ability to fly low in order to strike unsuspecting targets.
It is able to carry a mix of weapons, such as gunpods, air-to-ground guided rocket pods or bombs as well as air-to-air IR missiles for self defense. Its internal 12.7mm guns, mounted on the wing roots, can be used to strafe lightly armed targets or slow moving aircraft.

With its small radar return and low heat engine, it can defeat IR missiles using a few flares and Radar missiles by flying extremely low to blend with the terrain.
In the hands of an experienced pilot, using its powerful guided rockets, a single Cricket can destroy a large armored convoy left undefended and make a significant dent in the enemy's defense network.



A CI-22 Cricket from the top
Crew 1 pilot, 1 copilot
Length 10.4 m
Wingspan 11.6 m
Height 3.4 m
Weight 3600 kg (empty)
4800 kg (max takeoff)
Fuel Capacity 500 kg
Powerplant 1x 1500 kW turboprop
Unit cost 11.5 M$


Max Speed 515 km/h
Stall Speed 140 km/h
Service Ceiling 9,000 m
Maneuverability 6.5 g
P/W 0.47 kW/kg (20% fuel)
0.45 kW/kg (50% fuel)
0.29 kW/kg (MTOW)
RCS 0.35


Onboard Systems

Optical Radar Countermeasures Special
Magnification x2, max range 10km N/A x48 Flare Dispenser N/A


Type Internal Gun Fuselage pylon Inner pylon Outer pylon
Gun 12.7mm Gun, 1000 rounds 12.7mm Gunpod, 500 rounds
20mm Gunpod, 250 rounds
12.7mm Gunpod, 500 rounds 12.7mm Gunpod, 500 rounds
Bombs - 1x PAB-250 1x PAB-250 -
A2G Missiles - 7x AGR-18
1x AGM-48
1x AGM-68
7x AGR-18
1/2x AGM-48
1x AGM-68
7x AGR-18
1x AGM-48
A2A Missiles - - 1x MMR-S3 1x IRM-S1
Special - - - -


Basic operations





Take off


In flight




Tactical instructions

Primary role

The Cricket is designed for ground attack missions, use its various air to ground missiles and low flying ability to strike enemy armored columns.

Type Internal Gun Fuselage pylon Inner pylon Outer pylon
Gun 12.7mm Gun - - -
Bombs - - - -
A2G Missiles - 7x AGR-18 2x AGM-48 -
A2A Missiles - - - 1x IRM-S1
Special - - - -

Select a nearby column of units moving on the road. Select an approach route that allows you to fly low and maximize terrain masking, to avoid detection and protect you from SAMs.
Once you get in range, first target mobile air defense units (SAM IR, SAM R and SPAAG) with your AGR-18 guided rockets.
Release your rockets, which will saturate the defenses and provide useful decoys for your larger missiles.
Switch to your AGM-48 missiles and select the harder targets, such as Main Battle Tanks.

Once you have released your payload, turn back and drop some IR flares to cover your escape, flying fast and low towards the nearest airbase.

Secondary role

"Tora Tora Tora"
Use a full load of guided rockets to catch an unsuspecting ship off-guard.

Type Internal Gun Fuselage pylon Inner pylon Outer pylon
Gun 12.7mm Gun - - -
Bombs - - - -
A2G Missiles - 7x AGR-18 7x AGR-18 7x AGR-18
A2A Missiles - - - -
Avionics - - - -

Ships, such as the Shard-class corvette, pose a serious threat to aircraft, with its 57mm dual purpose gun, a 20mm CIWS turret as well as multiple radar SAMs.
However, when they sail close to the shore, they expose themselves to a surprise low-level attack and become a tough but valuable target, for which the Cricket can be an excellent platform.

For this kind of mission, wait for a corvette to get close (<10km) to the shore and select an approach route that allows you to maximize terrain masking until the very last moment.
Once you are above the sea, apply full power and fly a few meters above the waves to remain below the radar of the corvette and prevent it from shooting its radar SAMs on you.
Don't fly straight towards it, but weave left and right to confuse its 57mm turret and preven it from correcting its shots.

Depending on your approach route, the easiest side to attack a corvette is from the bow or the aft, however attacking from the side exposes the whole broadside of the ship to your rockets, so more damage can be inflicted.
Once you are at <5km distance, head directly towards the ship and unleash your rockets, applying some left / right yaw with your rudder, to spread your shots and confuse the CIWS turret.
Around 20 rockets are enough to saturate the defenses and at least half of them will hit. This is usually enough to cripple or set the ship on fire, which will eventually sink.

After releasing your payload, turn back as fast as possible towards the shore, weaving left and right just above the waves to avoid the shots trying to reach you on your escape.
If you still have some rockets available and your aircraft can still fly... pick another target for a second attack !


[Insert here a few ingame pictures]