FS-12 Revoker

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FS-12 Revoker - Display.png




"The FS-12 Revoker is built for agility above all else, capable of extreme maneuvers at almost any speed. Internal weapon bays help reduce drag, allowing supersonic speeds even at low altitudes and with heavy payloads"
- Ingame Encyclopedia description


The FS-12 Revoker is a single-engine supersonic air superiority jet fighter, with deep strike capability.
It has a delta-wing and canard configuration, with a powerful afterburning turbofan and thrust vectoring nozzle, as well as a pair of airbrakes installed on the top of the fuselage. Its single after-burning turbofan provides excellent thrust to weight ratio, close to 1 even at maximum take off load. Using its thrust vectoring and forward control surfaces, the Revoker is naturally unstable. It uses fly-by-wire flight controls to maintain stability, so that it is able to fly at very high angle of attacks, making it a very good dogfighter.

The cockpit is arranged around a single large Tactical Screen Display, allowing the pilot to access all important information at once. All onboard avionics, including a powerful multi-mode pulse Doppler radar and optical sensors, are fully integrated in sensors fusion. The Revoker is designed to operate with the datalink to seamlessly exchange information in real-time between the aircraft and other components of the network of static radars, ground vehicles and airborne sensors.

The FS-12 Revoker has been initially designed as an Air Superiority Fighter, using its unrivalled maneuverability, as well as powerfull onboard 20mm rotary cannon and air-to-air guided missiles to gain control of the airspace. Multiple upgrades expanded the range of available weapons, to include guided bombs and missiles, carried inside its internal weapon bays and under its wings pylon.

Despite its age and the introduction of newer, more capable fighters, the Revoker remains an formidable strike fighter with an experimented pilot.



Top view of the FS-12 Revoker
Crew 1 pilot
Length 15.8 m
Wingspan 11.0 m
Height 5.2 m
Weight 8680kg (empty)
16000kg (max takeoff)
Fuel Capacity 3200 kg
Powerplant 1x 150 kN turbofan (with afterburner)
Unit cost 65.0 M$


Max Speed 1445 km/h
Stall Speed 220 km/h
Service Ceiling 16,500 m
Maneuverability 9.0 g
TWR 1.57 (20% fuel)
1.42 (50% fuel)
0.95 (MTOW)
RCS 0.2


Onboard Systems

Optical Radar Countermeasures Special
Magnification x0.7 up to 10km Pulsed Doppler radar, Range 40km x64 Flare Dispenser



Type Gun Internal bay Wing pylon Wing tip
Gun 20mm Gun, 750 rounds - - -
Bombs - 1x GPO-500
1x GPO-N (1.5 / 250kt)
3x PAB-80LR
3x PAB-250
1x GPO-500
1x GPO-2P
A2G Missiles - 1x AGM-68 2x AGM-68
1x ARAD-116
A2A Missiles - 2x MMR-S3
2x AAM-29
1/2x MMR-S3
1x AAM-29
1x MMR-S3
1x AAM-29
Special - - - -


Basic operations


The Revoker has been designed around its powerful engine, using its nozzle control, forward canards and fly by wire controls to enhance its maneuverability.


As per several other aircraft of the same generation, the cockpit of the FS-12 is a mix of analog and digital instruments, with a large Tactical Screen Display in the center, surrounded by several switches and knobs. The pilot is installed in a "zero-zero" ejection seat, using a HOTAS configuration, with a right-handed side-stick controller and a left-handed throttle, for primary flight controls. The standard Head Up Display (HUD) gives all important information on the current flight conditions : speed, altitude, bearing, angle of attack...

The cockpit of the Revoker

Take off

In order to take off, switch on the engine by pushing gently on the throttle and wait for the engine to spool up.
Release the brakes, push the throttle to around 20% and start taxiing at 40km/h, following lines indicated on the airbase taxiway, to the start of the runway.
Try to limit your speed to avoid collision with other taxiing aircraft and remain on the paved part of the taxi, to avoid damaging your landing gear or getting stuck in the grass or sand.
Once you reach the runway, align your aircraft with the takeoff direction and apply brakes. Push the throttle to full power (100%), engage the afterburner and release the brakes.
The aircraft will soon reach around 225km/h, you can then pull the stick and climb at a steep angle, if your thrust-to-weight ratio (TWR) allows you.
You are now airborne. When you reach 20m, you can retract your landing gear and climb to your cruising altitude.

In flight

The airframe is inherently unstable and flight characteristics of the Revoker are very sharp, with a roll rate in excess of 270°/s and speeds in excess of M1.7.
Extreme maneuvers can be achieved by disabling the pitch limiter, but it is recommended to limit these to combat situations.


In order to land, select the closest airbase and fly towards it. When within 3 km of the base, reduce speed to about 380km/h and align with the runway.
Extend the landing gear when within 2km from the runway, reduce your speed and increase your angle of attack, so that the velocity vector is aligned with the beginning of the runway.
Maintain the vector where you want to land and your descent rate between 3 to 6m/s. Once you touch down, apply brakes and extend your airbrake, by setting your throttle to zero.
When your speed is reduced to <80km/h, you can safely maneuver on the ground and taxi back to your assigned hangar for rearming.

Tactical instructions

Primary role

Air Superiority

Type Gun Internal bay Wing pylon Wing tip
Gun 20mm Gun, 750 rounds - - -
Bombs - - - -
A2G Missiles - - - -
A2A Missiles - 2x MMR-S3 1x AAM-29 1x AAM-29
Special - - - -


Secondary role

Deep Strike

Type Gun Internal bay Wing pylon Wing tip
Gun 20mm Gun, 750 rounds - - -
Bombs - 1x GPO-N (1.5 / 250 kt) - -
A2G Missiles - - - -
A2A Missiles - - - 1x MMR-S3
Special - - - -



[Insert here a few ingame pictures]