ALND-4 (20 kt)

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"The ALND-4 (Air Launched Nuclear Deterrent) is a long range subsonic cruise missile carrying a tactical warhead." - Encyclopedia

Name Type Guidance Yield Max Speed Range Armor Penetration Dimensions Cost Available On
ALND-4 (20 kt) A2G Missile Optical 20 kt 1000 km/h 1500km - 6.3m x 2.7m x 1.0m 32 M$ SFB-81 Darkreach


The ALND-4 is a long range nuclear cruise missile, used for tactical strike and nuclear deterrence.
It can be launched from a safe distance from air defenses in order to destroy static strategic targets, such as factories and airbases.
It is best used when launched amongst several ALM-C450 cruise missiles, which serve as decoy in order to saturate the enemy's air defenses.